The Lynnwood High School Instrumental Music is composed of three concert bands, two jazz bands, and three concert orchestras. The bands and orchestras give numerous concerts and performances throughout the year. This year you may see the always "rockin" LHS Pep Band at home football games, basketball games, pep rallies and more. In addition, look and listen for the always improving LHS Drum Line as they add more cool cadences and quality repertoire each fall. The string department continues to grow as LHS continues to be a regional leader in both quality and size of high school orchestras.
Most of the documents on this page will download when clicked on.
Please use this website as a resource for instrumental music forms and information. Please feel free to contact either Ms. Stevenson or Mr. Onishi by filling out a contact form or e-mail us at or
Here are some important documents that you should have. Some of these will download when clicked on, others will link you to the document.
- Absence notification form if you cannot be at a performance: Absence Notification Form